30 November 2005

The Diet

Dear Diary,

I just talked to John about my diet problem. He collapsed in a pile of laughter. Bastard. He sobered up fast when I reminded him that I do the cooking around here, which means he's on the diet by default. He asked why I couldn't follow the diet at work, then pig out at home. I thought of that, but I couldn't look my fellow dieters in the eye if I did that. Besides, I need realistic leftovers to take in for lunch.

So, I found a sensible and not-too-bad diet... I'm not allowed more than one serve of red meat a week (John's in tears now), but allowed two serves of fish. The other meals are no meat, no dairy (oh, he's wailing...), not many eggs... no white flour, white sugar... dear God, is there ANYTHING left to eat? Or do we just starve for the other 18 meals?

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