27 November 2005

Doing it right

Dear Diary,

I've been talking to Sarah, and I've decided to do this properly. Just as if I were really pregnant. No coffee, no alcohol, pregnancy vitamins, the works.

Work is going to be a problem. I'm working 60+ hours a week and going out to the pub once a week. Drinking like a fish. Apparently that's not good even when TRYING to get pregnant. How do I explain suddenly switching to lemonade?

Sarah recommended a sudden health kick. Who on earth is going to believe that I'd go on a health kick? A drinking binge, sure, they'd believe that way too fast. To the child I'm writing this for – don't try that for yourself. I'm stupid, OK?

So – my plan. I tell my workmates that I've been talking to a friend who's into the whole natural medicine thing, and she recommended going on a liver-cleansing diet for a couple of months, since I've been pushing the poor thing pretty hard. Maybe I should try converting a few to my liver-cleansing diet too, just to add veracity.

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